Sunrise in the delta
Cheetah on the prowl
Warthogs butting heads
Elephant calf missing its trunk
Sable Antelope
Oxpeckers hitching a ride
Southern Carmine Bee-eater…
eating bee…
and eating wasp
Mexican standoff
Lone Oxpecker
Blue Wildebeest (aka Gnu)
Bateleur Eagle
Red-horned Hornbill
Just cheellin’
Baby Nile Crocodile
Wanted - Africa’s #1 killer
Pied Kingfisher
Leopard on night drive
Kudu in golden light
Lilac Breasted Roller
Staring contest
Death stare
Mom angry with cubs
Southern Carmine Bee-eater
Dazzle of zebras
Greater Blue-eared Starling
Cape Buffalo
Economy must suck with those legs
Tick cleaning crew
African Painted Dogs, playtime after breakfast
Tsessebe with baby
The many faces of Lechwe
Sea of buffalo
Ostrich and Tsessebe
Nile Crocodile
Southern Ground Hornbill with tasty morsel
Dogs on morning hunt
Zebras reflecting
Males sparring